The following news hit earlier this summer and just made me realize how relevant Jordan stays and that I DEFINITELY need to make Jordan a more integral part of a character study. There are many different ways to study Jordan--from his basketball skills to his perseverance as a young kid to his self-belief to his charitable givings to his business skills. There are numerous books about him for kids that teach many of his positive character traits.
One of my favorites is Salt in His Shoes by Deloris Jordan with Rosalyn M. Jordan (mother and sister of Jordan). It shows that Jordan was afraid he'd never be tall enough to play basketball, he had to work to achieve his dream. His family supported him and told him that it would take patience, determination, and hard work--character lessons that all students should be taught today. Deloris Jordan has written several other books with Michael as the main character: Michael's Golden Rules and Dream Big: Michael Jordan and the Pursuit of Excellence.
To me, Michael Jordan is the Greatest Of All Time.
Image: © User: Diegoestefano97/ Wikimediacommons /CC-BY-SA 3.0
Hi Mand! Studying Michael Jordan is an incredible way to establish a community of learners who are immersed in a dynamic or growth mindset culture. Quotes from any of these books are great reminders to "8. Practice, practice, practice" (Michael's Golden Rules #8), and "take patience, determination, and hard-work" (quote from you). Thank you for the great post, and you owe me $35 - the money I am about to spend to buy all 3 books on Amazon! :)